CSEA-Ltd Services

Sustainable Drainage Design

Our Sustainable Drainage Design service is a new environmentally friendly way of dealing with surface water runoff to avoid problems normally associated with conventional drainage practice. Conventional drainage exacerbates flooding, causes pollution and is generally more expensive. Our sustainable drainage designs are cheaper to install and maintain than Conventional Drainage schemes.

Road Design

Our services include design of both private and public road infrastructure with a strong focus on route planning, junction assesment, construction, operation and maintenance.

Site Planning and Development

Waste Management

Waste Management includes detailed evaluation and waste facility engineering services. Commissions also include licence and permit applications, negotiations and regulatory authority consultations.

Computer Aided Design/Drafting/3D modelling

Project Management and Planning Supervision

Environmental impact Assessment

Production of planning applications, with appraisals, assessments and appeals. Scoping studies and preparation of full environmental statements which includes continual consultation with statutory and non-statutory authorities.

Quarry Development


Waste Management


Infrastructure Design
